What do video games teach you

A good video game is entertaining, challenging, and informative. While some other are totally opposite to it. Video games do have a good side and of course a bad side too. 

Talking about how video games teaches you, the main age of 14-23 are most indulged in games. According to a survey this very age of group people who play games are seen doing activities much better than any other. 

They have a great visual skill. 

They easily monitor the activities going around them. And they were also good at picking up objects from cluttered environments. There are some certain games which are informative, and some to take with mythology, these games aspires children to know much about it and they too have been reading books which help in an overall development. 

Games like GTA are violent but it mostly had to take with the player playing it, we have a lot of task to do in GTA in which we solve problems, socializing too so the player can even take the positive side of this game. 

Foremost the IQ level based games are much better as the player needs to apply his knowledge to solve the task and this creates a good environment. 

There are much more merits but demerits like addiction, eyesight etc.

So playing video games is pretty good but we should play it in a better way and look for positive means.


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