Will GTA 5 Ever Be Free

A Time back a games company epic Games" was providing GTA 5 for free, completely free. few were able to take it but few were not. And that few wants this offer to be back. But the question is Will "GTA 5 Ever Be Free"


GTA 5 is the most demanded game globally. it is a survival simulator, and real life based. but due its high cost which is around $26  many could not full fill their wishes. And Epic Games Came up with a new offer giving this game for free. It was too prompt, some were not aware, while someone was not ready. It lasted almost a day or two and revoked. 

Few questioned that will this offer revert back?

While the answer could be yes but at the same time no. Whereas GTA 5 is costly and giving it for free gave a huge loss to the company but still they made their customers happy. Since Rockstar (GTA 5 was build by Rockstar games) neither Epic Games had come up with any update. their are poor outlook  for it. But as i say there are some chances for it to come up but not now a year or two later.

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