
Best Gaming Pc In 2022

                            Best Gaming Pc In 2022 Top 3: Every gamer deserves the best gaming PC on the planet.  The only question is whether he can splurge on an all-powerful, state-of-the-art machine, or only on a budget computer.  Luckily, with the advancements of modern component manufacturers, getting a powerful gaming PC has never been easier, no matter what your budget. But then comes the tricky part - there are a huge number of components, and they cover every price range, which makes choosing the best gaming PC anything at all.  And at this moment we come to the rescue.  We'll take you through the various offers and narrow down the list of potential machines to the best ones we think are capable of running any game.  In doing so, we will try to keep your budget in mind, so, depending on your needs, you may not have to spend too much to get the perfect computer. Choosing a gaming PC that fits your needs and at the same time fits within your budget is the key balance.  You

What do video games teach you

A good video game is entertaining, challenging, and informative. While some other are totally opposite to it. Video games do have a good side and of course a bad side too.  Talking about how video games teaches you, the main age of 14-23 are most indulged in games. According to a survey this very age of group people who play games are seen doing activities much better than any other.  They have a great visual skill.  They easily monitor the activities going around them. And they were also good at picking up objects from cluttered environments. There are some certain games which are informative, and some to take with mythology, these games aspires children to know much about it and they too have been reading books which help in an overall development.  Games like GTA are violent but it mostly had to take with the player playing it, we have a lot of task to do in GTA in which we solve problems, socializing too so the player can even take the positive side of this game.  Foremost the IQ l

Age Limit for E-Sports

In the present year 2021 esports in India has evolved so much. There are lakh of good player who are playing esports. Esports in one term can be called competition which are held for video games. Certain facility of by the esports company can be mouth-watering. It has changed of life of many people. The average prize pool are in crores. Common games which held esports are Valorant, BGMI, Free Fire, COD Etc... The person with a good skill and team gets fame and money along. As i say not everyone could become a good esports player unless you have a good team and skills. Here Is a question that everyone asks is : Age Limit for E-Sports. There are various games conducting esports and each have their own terms and condition as cited. Esports as said is a competition there may be less games allowing a certain age category for playing their Esports whereas there are some which has a open age category. There is not a definite answer and the question can i play esports at this certain age, it i

Will GTA 5 Ever Be Free

  A Time back a games company epic Games" was providing GTA 5 for free, completely free. few were able to take it but few were not. And that few wants this offer to be back. But the question is Will "GTA 5 Ever Be Free"   GTA 5 is the most demanded game globally. it is a survival simulator, and real life based. but due its high cost which is around $26  many could not full fill their wishes. And Epic Games Came up with a new offer giving this game for free. It was too prompt, some were not aware, while someone was not ready. It lasted almost a day or two and revoked.  Few questioned that will this offer revert back? While the answer could be yes but at the same time no. Whereas GTA 5 is costly and giving it for free gave a huge loss to the company but still they made their customers happy. Since Rockstar (GTA 5 was build by Rockstar games) neither Epic Games had come up with any update. their are poor outlook  for it. But as i say there are some chances for it to come up

Gameloop V/s Bluestack

    Gameloop V/s Bluestacks Here comes the most controversial question ! Which emulator is good for Free Fire, is it Bluestacks or Gameloop.  Bluestacks 5 Gameloop  About free fire: It is the worlds most popular survival game. Build by 111 Dots Studio. It has also been awarded as the "best popular vote game" in the World. It Has Got 80 Million Daily players and setted up a record. It has also introduced many world championship and took up the E-sports very high.  Garena Free FIRE  Bluestack App Player is an emulator which helps playing games from Your mobile phone to Your desktop. Whereas Gameloop Emulator also does the same but thier are certain differences in thier performance while playing games like free fire. In this blog i am going to tell you the certain points of whihc emulator should u be using Which emulator and why. These points will be for mid end pc's   Bluestack has various seting for Dpi's, Device Framework, audio, etc..... Whereas Gameloop do not have

Never download windows from here

  Never download Windows from here (INTERNET). As we all know that windows 7 has stopped giving service a few time time back. Now everyone is thinking to upgrade their device. Some might be thinking of upgrading their pc in FREE! And comes to know about various websites which gives you free windows as called 'disc image'. Disc image are not to be used but are still used.These windows though give you every update etc. you might be very happy that you saved your money. BUT, now you will notice many system errors like your mic wont work software might lag or not open which i have suffered. Main problem comes with security reasons as the in built antivirus is not defensive at all. your system might even get hacked. These days windows price are not upto that much so go on with a legit disc to keep your device safe. These disc are easily available on online sites which provides you both e disc and or the disc. This was my opinions toward downloading windows from INTERNET. Though its

Is opening a gaming channel worth in 2020

Is a gaming channel worth in 2020. As we all are sitting at home with no work and a mind of creative ideas. one of the most creative in mind of the youngsters are to open a gaming channel. Does it worth in 2020! Youtube do provide us the platform but the content do matters for growing your channel. If you have a variety of content whether be it a on tap headshot player, funny hosting, pro player etc. Then you should try your carrier in Youtube. If now you are ready to start your gaming channel but thinking that you have to buy stuff which will cost high. Believe me its not .These days we all have a mobile phone at first this is all you need just an android phone with a minimum RAM of 4gb. DONE! Now any time you play your game start your screen recording because not anytime you can do do want you want to. After a while when you think you cna buy only a mic. But think what you will do. Remember to make a catchy thumbnail using apps like picsart . A gaming channel worths only if you have